
  Author Zoom  It was fantastic having Sonya at our Zoom. She answered all of our questions and even showed us the tree that she based the anchor tree on the book on.  Thanks Sonya again for making time to come to our Zoom and connecting with us.         Character Hot-Seating We had so much fun becoming the characters that we played for the day and answering questions from other classes.  It was also good to hear how other people who played characters answered the questions asked of them. We had so much fun connecting again.

Irirangi 3's 'Draw It' responses

  "This was perfect. It looked like a dell, a fairy fort, a place of ancient natural wonder. Sphagnum moss grew over every stump and log. Tiny umbrella mosses covered the ground. There were dozens of bigger, brighter green cushions dotted all round, too, and the trees were dripping with pale lichen garlands. This was where those lights would gather, for sure. Autumn-coloured beech leaves littered the ground as though someone had already been here , already thrown a party."

Irirangi 3's Vocabulary

 There are so many new and interesting words that we are discovering in this story!  Here is or work with 'precocious'  - we have used our 'lingo lizard' which is part of our iDeal literacy work to define and understand this word better.  We had a class competition to see which table group could find the most words in ten minutes using only the letters in the word 'precocious'.  One team came up with twelve words! We decided to allow abbreviations. We are also gathering new vocabulary in Te Reo:

Sketchnoting Room 6


Research on Quintin McKinnon

 Here is some of the information we found out about Quintin McKinnon - Hudson, Lucian, and Madz.

Sketchnoting - Room 13


Room 13 - Learning Walls
